Den franske komponist Chassol fortæller sjældne studiehistorier om Frank Ocean

Den franske komponist Chassol fortæller sjældne studiehistorier om Frank Ocean

På Diplos opfordring havde Frank Ocean på et tidspunkt inviteret den franske komponist Chassol med i studiet. Nu har franskmanden talt med BBC og sine oplevelser og giver hermed et unikt indblik i Oceans kreative proces, som ellers plejer at være lukket land.

»Fyren er intelligent. Han er virkelig intelligent. Måden som han arbejder på i studiet er virkelig cool. Han har en printer, billeder af arkitektur, moderne kunst«, forklarer Chassol om sit besøg i studiet hos Frank Ocean.

Franskmanden fortæller blandt andet, at Ocean ville lave nogle vokalharmoniseringer som dem, Chassol lavede på sit album ‘Indiamore’, og at de også fik besøg af Rick Rubin.

Frank Ocean udsender sit andet album til juli, men har stadig ikke afsløret titel eller en endelig udgivelsesdato. Læs om hele Chassols møde med Frank Ocean nedenfor.

Chassol: »Ocean invited me to Abbey Road to record on his album. I asked him when I came, how he heard about me. He told me his friend Diplo was listening a lot to Indiamore, and they started to listen to it, and they were wondering how I was doing the speech harmonization, so he called me. He asked me to do some speech harmonization on a song with him. After a while, it was cool and he was like, ‘yeah, but we have to find another way because you already did it.’ The guy is smart. He’s really smart. The way he works in the studio is really cool. He has a printer, he has a lot of pictures of architecture, contemporary art, a lot of pictures of different kinds of things.

So we start to work on a track and he says, this track is this—that car that you can see. He makes me work on a song, and I’m like, ‘oh this sounds like Pino Donaggio’s score for ‘Blow Out’, by Brian Depalma. I start to work on a song and five minutes later on the pro-tools screen you have the movie, the score, stretched to fit the song—just to try. I’ve never worked with that much money in music. It’s good sometimes to have money, because you can try things… At some point, a guy came into the studio, a guy with a long beard. We start talking and then he leaves and they tell me it’s Rick Rubin! I didn’t know the guy! Sometimes I’m the only one who doesn’t know the things«.

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