Piratgruppen bag læk af Tarantinos nye film undskylder – sådan da

Piratgruppen bag læk af Tarantinos nye film undskylder – sådan da

Alle og enhver ved, at piratkopiering er ulovligt, men downloader man Tarantinos nye western, ‘The Hateful Eight’, og ser den derhjemme på sin fedtede computerskærm i en halvdårlig kopi, er man alligevel dummere end som så.

Filmen er nøjsommeligt udformet til det store lærred, og den er optaget på det sjældne 70mm-format, som ingen fladskærm kan yde retfærdighed. At se den derhjemme er at pisse Tarantino direkte op og ned ad ryggen.

Ikke desto mindre vakte det stor opmærksomhed, da ‘The Hateful Eight’ blev lækket online, før den overhovedet havde haft premiere i USA. En skandale, der kan få store økonomiske konsekvenser for filmen.

Bag lækket står piratgruppen Hive-CM8, og kopien har været sporet til direktøren for filmselskabet Alcon Entertainment. Direktøren så dog aldrig dvd’en, som en assistent ved navn Tom kvitterede for.

Og nu bekræfter Hive-CM8 ifølge Business Insider, at der ikke har været tale om et hack, men at de »fik kopier solgt af en fyr på gaden, så ingen afkodning var nødvendig« som de skriver i en officiel forklaring.

Her undskylder Hive-CM8 også. Sådan da.

»Vi beklager, at det skete omkring jul, det var ikke planen overhovedet, vi udsender ikke flere film før deres biografpremiere, og vi vil i hvert fald ikke udsende 40, som vi planlagde, vi mener, vi har gjort nok allerede«, skriver gruppen med reference til deres tidligere erklærede mål om at udsende 40 film løbende. De har allerede stået bag læk af film som ‘Spectre’, ‘Legend’ og ‘Bridge of Spies’.

Gruppen argumenterer for, at den omtale, det giver, når film leakes online, faktisk er god reklame, samtidig med at de opfordrer alle til at se filmene i biograferne, da producenterne har brug for pengene. De forklarer desuden, at deres ønske er at stille filmene til rådighed for folk, der ikke har råd til at gå i biografen. Og så roser de Tarantino i høje toner, hvilket næppe er nok til at få hans tilgivelse…

Her er Hive-CM8’s temmelig usammenhængende statement, ordret gengivet:

»We didnt plan to comment at all on recent events, but we feel now that we should.

Sorry to disappoint M but there was no hack or any such thing . we got the copies sold from a guy on the street, no decryption was needed. we were definately not the only ones.

cpl other movies have been on the net days before, not done from us

So we wanted to share this movies with the people who are not rich enough or not able to watch all nominated movies in the cinema.

Of course this files are not representing the movies how they can be enjoyed in the cinema

As said in our nfo, please support the producers and watch all movies in the cinema on a big screen, like you should do anyhow.

The Producers need the money from ticket sales to get back the production costs.

As for Hateful Eight Movie:

We feel sorry for the trouble we caused by releasing that great movie before cinedate even has begun.

we never intended to hurt anyone by doing that, we didnt know it would get that popular that quickly

The Hateful Eight is an excellent,thrilling and entertaining Western that combines terrific direction,a fantastic cast,a wonderful script,beautiful photography and a memorable score.

All of those elements make The Hateful Eight an unforgettable film that is Quentin Tarantino at his best.

Since everyone is now talking about this movie we dont think the producers will loose any money at cinedate, and we tell you now why.

we actually think this has created a new type of media hype that is more present in the news,radio and in the papers than starwars, and the promotional costs for this were free

If lets say 5% of the people planned to watch this movie at cinemadate, due to this media push we unintenionally created, we believe that now 40% of the people will watch this movie in the cinema

cause everyone is talking about it and everyone wants to see the movie that created so much noise.

this will push the cinema tickets sale for sure.

we really hope this helped out the producers in the longrun, so that the production costs are covered and more

we also think that the hateful 8 movie is the top candidate for the awards and will win by a mile over others

thx tarantino for this wonderful movie

sorry it was around christmas we didnt plan that at all either, we wont do another movie before its cinedate,

and we def wont go up to 40 as planned, we think we have done enough already.


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