Flere udenlandske medier har slagtet ‘Bright’, og vores egen anmeldelse af Netflix’ fantasy-action-brag med Will Smith og Joel Edgerton i hovedrollerne havde da heller ikke hænderne over hovedet.
En anden, der ikke er tilfreds: Chance the Rapper.
I filmen lever fantasivæsener side om side i et alternativt Los Angeles, hvor orker ligger nederst på den sociale rangstige: En klar og på ingen måde diskret fortolkning af nutidens racekonflikter i USA, men ifølge Chance the Rapper bliver temaet ikke behandlet godt nok.
I en række tweets beskriver Chance blandt andet, at han synes fortolkningen af USA’s racisme gennem de mytiske orker føles »lidt overfladisk«.
Og så virker det ikke til, at han er helt vild med Will Smiths replik omkring, at »Fairy lives don’t matter«.
Læs anmeldelse: ‘Bright’: ‘Ringenes Herre’ møder ‘End of Watch’ i bizart genremix med Will Smith
Wondering how you guys are feeling about the lynched ork in #Brightmovie
— Chance The Rapper (@chancetherapper) December 27, 2017
I found the way they tried to illustrate americas racism through the mythical creatures to be a little shallow. #Brightmovie
— Chance The Rapper (@chancetherapper) December 27, 2017
I always feel a lil cheated when I see allegorical racism in movies cause that racism usually stems from human emotion or tolerance but not by law or systems the way it is in real life. The characters in #Bright live in a timeline where racism is gone… cause we hate ork now ?
— Chance The Rapper (@chancetherapper) December 27, 2017
I think the idea is that they’re a step below bottom of the spectrum blackness. Which is why Will’s character, the Mexican cop and the ork have that dialogue in the street. https://t.co/LaFMysw2WG
— Chance The Rapper (@chancetherapper) December 27, 2017
I tried to look at it that way but a few minutes into the movie they make wills character say “Fairy Lives don’t Matter” https://t.co/j721N38cdR
— Chance The Rapper (@chancetherapper) December 27, 2017