Stolt far: Drake viser sønnen Adonis frem på Instagram for første gang

Stolt far: Drake viser sønnen Adonis frem på Instagram for første gang
Drake. (Foto: Michael Loccisano/Getty Images)

»You are hiding a child!«

Det var noget af en bombe, Pusha-T smed dengang i 2018, da han mere eller mindre lukkede sin beef med Drake ved at afsløre, at den canadiske verdensstjerne havde et hemmeligt barn. Det var et chok, at den ellers så pæne og polerede Drake kunne have en søn, han skjulte for verden.

sit følgende album ‘Scorpion’ forklarede Drake situationen med følgende ikke helt overbevisende argument på sangen ‘Emotionless’: »I wasn’t hiding my kid from the world / I was hiding the world from my kid«.

Siden da har rapperen dog åbnet op for faderskabet. Først fik han en tatovering af sønnen Adonis, og nu har han altså postet en række billeder af sig selv med barnet samt Adonis’ mor, Sophie Brussaux.

Sammen med billederne er der også en meget lang tale om at »finde sit indre lys«, der slutter sådan her: »Jeg elsker og savner min smukke familie og venner, og jeg kan ikke vente med den glædens dag, hvor vi alle kan genforenes«.

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What is most important for you right now is to connect to your own inner light. This will create the biggest opening of all. Trust that you have all of the power within to make this happen, and in order to do that connect to the people and things that bring you a lot of joy. When the mind starts to move into overthinking or fear, shift your attention right away to something bright. It doesn’t matter what has happened in the past or what is happening around us now, you can always make the choice to break free of the wheel of suffering and panic and open up to your own light. We are powerful manifestors , so once you make the choice in the moment to shift your awareness to something good, it will show you in your reality. Be conscious, especially right now of fears coming in from others, and recognize that not everything should be held by you. Laughter is your best medicine, but tears can also be a powerful release. Let go of any judgment you may have around that. Remember that you are never alone, and if you need to be reminded of that ask for support and it will show up. Everything comes down to intention, and even though there are conflicting energies circling around us you must KNOW…It will rebuild. But in order for that to happen, you have to do exactly that. Trust. You have the biggest heart and that is your greatest gift. It’s impossible to always control your surroundings, but when you shift the focus to how you want to feel, everything will conspire to assist you. I love and miss my beautiful family and friends and I can’t wait for the joyful day when we are all able to reunite. Until then please keep your lights on. ?

Et opslag delt af champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) den

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